Patient Support Services

The DESMOND programme is designed to help people manage the changes Diabetes can bring to their life.

Start Of Project
1st Feb 2019

About the DESMOND programme

Type 2 Diabetes is a common condition which can affect a person’s everyday life. We know the process of living and adjusting to life with type 2 diabetes can be tough, which is why the Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed (DESMOND) program was created.

The DESMOND Programme is a free 6-hour self-management course . This course informs patients of the important information regarding type 2 diabetes including how what they eat affects their body and what foods are the most appropriate.

The DESMOND programme also provides the space for patients to manage the changes diabetes bring to their lives, as well as the opportunity to share their experiences with others as the course is ran with up to 12 people per session(s).

What DESMOND can help people to:

  • Improve their Diabetes
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Reduce the amount of medication needed
  • Reduce stress and tiredness

This programme is open to people with ongoing and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes with a HbA1c of 48 or above who are registered with a GP practice in Coventry or Rugby.

Patients can be referred by their GP practice or can self-refer by:

Telephone: 0808 169 1225



‘Please be aware that we record most incoming and outgoing telephone calls to ensure quality, provide training, and effectively manage complaints and investigations.’

The 6-hour sessions can be attended from the following options:

  • Face-to-face (Monday or Saturday): 9:30am – 4:30pm
  • Virtual evening sessions (x2): 6pm – 9pm